
Friday Fabulousness....

....Fashion's Night Out, NYC this week....

....Olivia Palermo at NYC's Fashion's Night Out....

....the lovely Gemma Arterton at the London premiere of "Tamara Drewe" this week....

....the gorgeous Eva Mendes at the recent premiere of "The Other Guys"....

....phew, what a week!

Again, so many thanks for supporting Butch and Summer - and me!!
My daughter and some of her friends made cards for him, some mums at school sent cards and in total, over 75 of you offered to send something to him...

....absolutely AMAZING!!!

....I am SO thrilled :)

I also know that other bloggers have also read about Summer and Butch either here or elsewhere and they too have written blogposts offering support....what a great effort by very proud of yourselves!!
(if you still want to get involved, please read my post Please Meet Butch ....)

On a more personal note my son, my youngest child, is five today AND starts full-time school for the first was only for a few hours, tomorrow it's all day....

....there have been tears - mine, not his!

I have been a full-time stay at home mother - or Chairman of the Board and Household Executive as I sometimes like to refer to my current role - since he was born and it's just been the two of us at home.
For five years. I know that I've been privileged to have that time with him.

My son truly fills my heart with love every time I look at him and his big brown eyes....he is a presence, a typical boy, you can always hear him wherever he is in the house and he has been a climber ever since he glimpsed something that he considered needed climbing!

He is my question-asker, he is a leader, he has lorryloads of confidence, enthusiasm and vitality....he's the funny one in the family, charming and affectionate and has always known just the right time to put both his little hands on both of my cheeks, look into my eyes and kiss me soundly! He shares my love for dancing to pop music in the kitchen, he loves me to catch him and he always wants just one more snuggle at bedtime....

He loves pirates, Dr Seuss books, stories about bears, singing Beatles songs with his Daddy, Tom and Jerry and all the books by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler....
He loves noodles, could eat pasta and loves to make cakes.
He can't wait to be a teenager because apparently then you automatically get a skateboard....but when he saw "Toy Story 3" couldn't understand why Andy had to actually leave home in order to go to college - and why, more importantly, he would want to.

He cannot wait to start at his sister's school and I know, just like with preschool, he literally won't even look back....and I love that about him, that he just loves everything he does and throws himself in to it. I hope he never loses that feeling.

But of course, even as I write, I have the biggest lump in my throat and I will make sure I have my sunglasses with me tomorrow morning when his Daddy, his sister and I take him to school for his first full day, just to hide the inevitable tears....

....I'm missing him already!

Happy Weekend and thank you for all the wonderful support and comments this week, I am behind on my blog-reading but will catch up ASAP :)

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