....photo by Carter Smith....

A little wisdom and a lot of glamour and sheer beauty....perfect for a Friday.
We are starting a holiday week-end here in England....and it's one full of parties for me....a catch-up dinner with three girlfriends tonight, a grown-up party tomorrow, a family party on Sunday and a 4 year old pirate party....help! I am also hoping to take a few hours just to steal away somewhere quiet and just sit and read, I have been missing that this week....
It's been another fun week in the world of blogs, thank you for all for some wonderful comments....
am glad that you enjoyed my "Top Five...."....I resisted including George today since even I know you can have too much of a good thing ;)
Thank you to Tania at Backwards in High Heels and to my most favourite blog-discovery of the week. the fabulous Fashion's Most Wanted for my Beautiful Blogger Award.
Tania is a wonderful writer, a published writer and someone whose work I have been reading in different magazines for years, I was thrilled when I found she also wrote a blog - and equally excited when I found out she was reading my blog!
Christina writes Fashion's Most Wanted and I am convinced she is possibly London's most stylish and glamorous girl....her blog is gorgeous! Such an interesting read, it's full of quotes, movies, glamour and so much more....
Thank you very much!
Have a wonderful week-end!
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