This is the life....
Now this is the way to see Paris....
Lazy afternoons....
There is something very beautiful about the structure of a boat I think....
I tried to resist including any dreamboats of the two-legged variety.....but I couldn't say no to this one.....welcome aboard Captain Jack....
I don't have much experience of sailing at all.....but during the summers we have spent on the French Riviera, and in the south of Spain, I have always been drawn to boatyards and harbours. You see all manner of shapes and sizes there.....from the older style all wooden boats to the most modern and newest submarine-size multi million dollar yachts....the French harbours are jam-packed with them in the summer and the harbour in Monte Carlo is quite something to the like of which you have to see to's fascinating. There's just something romantic about boats.....a feeling of freedom.....a feeling of adventure....
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