
Beauty worldwide

Hello friends. It's JennyMac from Let's Have A Cocktail. What a treat for me to be the guest blogger for Simone. As you know, Simone's blog is the epitome of beautiful images and thoughts which create a mini-vacation for all of us who visit. In keeping to her style, I am sharing images today offering a historical peek at my travels and my favorite places in the world. Enjoy this mini-vacation with me.



New York City


Seattle, WA


St. Bart

San Francisco, CA

Cabo San Lucas
(This is one of my faves. I shot this from the back of a boat and used color palette in Photoshop.)

And before I go, this is for you Simone. You bring such a ray of positive beauty and light to the blog world. I am so glad to call you a friend. 

Have a fantastic week. JennyMac


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