This is where I will be today.......somewhere peaceful where no one is asking for me a sandwich or a drink, which they are then telling me they have spilt somewhere.......where no one is calling me......where I don't need to go food shopping again and my two small children haven't apparently turned into locusts devouring items faster than the speed of light (I swear this happens every holiday)....where people don't wear 19 items of clothing in one day and then drop them all in the laundry basket....somewhere where I can actually sleep past 7am and not have someone actually lifting my eyelids open as happened this morning......somewhere where I can't hear Alvin and his not-so-cute-anymore chipmunk pals squeaking their way through "Funkytown"....somewhere where they have never heard of "High School Musical"....somewhere where bedrooms tidy themselves....somewhere I won't have gained 7lbs as seems to have happened this summer (which means that I now have 7lbs more to lose for a wedding in 2 weeks time).....somewhere that I can read more than 3 pages of a book without interruption and make a cup of tea without it going cold.....and if you make it somewhere where I can actually look that good in that bikini, then even better!
If you know of such a place, please let me know......I'll be right over.......feel free to join me if you are in the area and if you are carrying lattes, cocktails, magazines, cake, a good read, ice cream, cookies (there goes another 7lbs) or if you are holidaying with George (Clooney not Bush), Hugh (Jackman not Grant) or Colin (Firth not Farrell) and they are just getting boring now, send them over please ;) You will recognise me.....I will most likely be yelling "yes....in a minute" (it's just become a reflex response, I can't seem to stop doing it), I may be mumbling song lyrics or doing a dance routine, I will probably have paint on me somewhere and I won't be wearing make up or clean matching clothes.....if you're lucky - or if I'm lucky - I may have remembered to moisturise. Just place me somewhere quiet with a drink and blanket......that would be absolutely marvellous. Normal service will be resumed very shortly.....when someone returns my sanity to me....do let me know if you see it.....thank you ;)
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