
No Longer Feeling Blue....

So.....after a little shopping, some kitchen dancing, a sprinkle covered iced donut AND some absolutely lovely, sweet and funny comments from some lovely little "vent" did the trick and my blue-ness, as usual, passed very quickly....thank you so much everybody....normal service has been resumed!
My post today is about the colour blue.....a colour I do love but which I for some reason avoid, particularly in clothing....perhaps because my school uniform was navy blue. Not a great reason I know and it's a colour I intend to buy more of, in all its wonderful shades.
The gorgeous Eva Mendes.....aren't those ruffles just gorgeous....

I love the symetry of this Lake Michigan house....

There is something about Greece which makes that beautiful blue seem even bluer....

Would you care to join me.....?


I love this cover....

Great car.....great image....

Your guests would never leave, would they....?

How invigorating it would be to wake up here every day....

Perfectly Greek....

A cornflower.....

The beautiful Halle Berry....gorgeous dress....

Fabulous this blue....

Don't these look lovely all placed together....?
Lovely Janet from frenchblue
wrote me a heartfelt and very lovely reply after my post yesterday....I really enjoy reading her blog, which is elegant, beautiful and serene (which funnily enough is just how I imagine Janet herself to be!)......I really appreciate what she said and so to her I dedicate this post.....thanks honey!


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