When I first started blogging, I think the second blog that I discovered was Australian and out of the first 10 blogs I followed, 6 were Australian.....I began to wonder if everyone in Australia had a blog ;) Happily for me, I was to discover many more of these talented Australian bloggers and they remain some of my very favourite daily reads.....and so I thought that they merited a post of their very own.
It is probably fair to say that at any given time there is a pretty substantial Australian population here in London and having lived here for most of my life, I have met and worked with more than a few.....it is not a generalisation to say that they have been great company, full of fun, they like a good time and they have a very positive outlook on life.
Likewise the Australian girls I have met since I started writing....their blogs vary but what I think they all have in common is style, strength and a really good sense of humour.
I would like to present my favourites.....all gorgeous girls and they are in alphabetical order as I couldn't possibly choose a favourite!
Kellie writes adaanddarcy from Drummoyne....a really stylish blog and just a really nice and inviting way of writing. Lots of glamour and beautiful things....I love it!
Simone writes the very popular beachvintage blog - she is from Brisbane, Queensland and is as stylish and creative as they come!
Julie writes beingruby and lives in Sydney - she is well travelled, a great photographer and a really good writer. Jayne writes charcoalandwhite , a very stylish blog full of really well chosen images, she clearly has a very good design eye. Very inspiring and a very lovely read.
Meredith writes countitalljoy.....AND she has SIX children....which in my book is worth mentioning since some days even two is too much for me. Meredith has a great sense of humour, she leaves me the loveliest responses on my blog and she writes with great honesty....I am a big fan.
Dustjacket writes dustjacketattic - the most beautiful and stylish blog, full of the most amazing images EVERY DAY.....if you don't read it already, you must. She has brought out my inner fashionista for sure! One of my favourite posts of hers (although it is extremely hard to choose) is here.
Cate writes ellaandbaba - she lives in Queensland and is a very stylish girl.....busy with house renovations but still maintaining her great sense of humour. I knew I would like Cate when I read that on her profile that her favourite films were ones that "involved a box of tissues"....me too!
The lovely Millie writes thelaurelhedge from her home in Adelaide, South Australia - hers was happily one of the first blogs I discovered and she was one of my very first followers.....somehow I feel I have known her for ages. Millie writes a really great blog and is clearly one of those people who just knows things....lots of things.....interesting, funny and clever things....plus she has five sons.....yes FIVE!!!.....and she is married to the equally fabulous MOTH who has become quite a legend now I believe ;)
Amanda writes weekendhost which is such a beautifully presented blog, full of gorgeous images, Amanda clearly has great style, I always look forward to reading her posts.
I have never travelled to Australia and would have to either be heavily sedated or would have to stop quite a few times in order to actually travel that distance.....I put together so many images for this post that I couldn't include them all....there may have to be a Part 2! You Australian girls will probably instantly be able to point out all the wonderful things about Australia I have missed out - like the wines for example - so I apologise in advance and here is my list of some of the things we know and love about the Land Down Under....

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