
Ready For A New Term

Phew, I think - at last - I have found my groove again.

7 weeks of school holidays - 3 weeks of it spent pretty much on a beach - meant my children returning to school last Wednesday took some getting used to.....
setting the alarm clock, wet weather, a lot of form-filling, PE kits, catching up with friends and just generally organising my home/life was pretty overwhelming!

Maybe the longer you go away for, the longer it takes you to settle back into real-life, I wonder....

I like September in the same way that I like Monday mornings, it's a new start....
after years of school, college and Uni and now with my own two children being at school, it's impossible not to divide the year up into terms - and that definitely makes time fly!

My son was 6 years old last week and yesterday he lost his first tooth (to be followed possibly by another one today!).....all I can say is that six feels WAY older than five, how can that be?!

My daughter has started her last year at her school before moving to secondary school next September - in the next month we have decisions and choices to make, choosing between two very different schools, and I still have no answer, I'm just not sure.
I'm usually very sure about things so this is odd for me.

Changes, changes, changes....all exciting and good stuff....but big stuff too.

Even after I had left Uni, throughout my 20s I took various courses at night school - languages or other subjects I was interested in - and almost subconsciously when September arrives, I automatically start thinking about new projects, it's that back-to-school mindset I guess.

I am feeling the need for something new and unknown so I have decided that in the next month I will challenge myself to do TEN things that I have never ever done before.

It's not going to be skydiving or anything crazy....
it's going to be activities and things I have always wanted to do but never got round to,
I may take a course and it may be making some permanent changes to my everyday routine.
I think I have half a list already....a mixture of things and things I have never done before,
that's going to be my theme.

I need to mix things up a little.
I need to stop procrastinating on a couple of plans and Just.Do.It.
No time like the present, as they say :)

I will report back on October 13 :)
Off to complete my list.

Happy Tuesday!


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