Elegance personified....the very handsome Oscar de la Renta....
Friday at last, made it through the week....and now we have a week's half-term holiday from school....hurrah!!
Thank you for the all the fantastic book suggestions earlier this week (see here )....I have placed my Amazon order and look forward to some great new books :)
As always, I have a few ideas for the holidays. some things I would like to get done....but actually my main aim is to just breathe.
I have had some hectic and challenging times recently with my Dad being ill....and if I have learned anything, it is that we should notice the very little things, hang on to the moments and not stress about completing the to-do lists (which only seem to get longer anyway....).
Be in the moment, it is all you have.
I have shared a little recently about my Dad and what is going on right now.....
when I arrived at the hospital yesterday he was asleep...
sleeping so peacefully that I sat for about 45 mins just watching him sleep.
He had a smile on his face the whole time, dreaming of who knows what.
He only awoke when the consultant arrived to check on him....
and when they asked my Dad who I was, he didn't know.....
It has been heading this way for a few days now but you can only imagine how I felt....
But actually, on the way home all I could think about, and hang on to, was his smile and his peaceful face. I had to.
I say this without wishing to be melodramatic or cliched....but when it comes down to it, life is truly about the little things. Do not forget to notice them.
(Next week will be my 500th blogpost so I will be having a special giveaway!)
(photo posed by models)
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